[Panel discussion] WHO : From “Age-Friendly Cities” to Territories and “Age-Friendly Countries”

Monday, September 16th, 2024 – 2:00pm // Hall 1
Silver Citizens Summit

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About this panel discussion :

The United Nations conducted a study on countries where ageing is best measured by 13 economic and social indicators across four domains : income security, health status, employment and education, and environment.

At the top of the ranking is Sweden, followed by Norway, Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, Switzerland, New Zealand, the United States, Iceland, and Japan. France ranks 18th.

This discussion will focus on creating cities, territories, and countries adapted to seniors, addressing challenges, and exploring opportunities for active and healthy ageing.

This panel will bring together regional policymakers, municipalities, and social welfare centers, urban planners, and representatives of senior advocacy groups. They will exchange global best practices to transform communities into places that respect, support, and value seniors. Topics will include transportation accessibility, housing adaptability, safe public spaces, accessible health services, and opportunities for social and community engagement for seniors.

This panel discussion is part of the planned program for the SilverEco & Ageing Well International Festival 2024 // Silver Citizens Summit
Language : Translation available

With the participation of :

  • The list of participants is currently in process
  • Contact us to submit your participation or propose a workshop theme
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