[Panel discussion] Ageing-Well: What measures of social impact?

Tuesday, September 17th, 2024 – 1:30pm // Hall 1
Silver Citizens Summit

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About this panel discussion :

In a world where social challenges are reaching unprecedented levels, evaluating and managing by impact has become an essential necessity for stakeholders in the Silver Economy.

Adopting such an approach not only allows for the measurement of concrete changes related to each action but also for the adjustment of strategies to maximize societal benefits.

Evaluating and managing by impact is a strategic approach that enables the creation of sustainable value and is also a powerful lever for transforming our current challenges into opportunities for progress and social innovation.

This panel discussion will be an opportunity to exchange perspectives between stakeholders and funders, as well as to share feedback and success factors.

This panel discussion is part of the planned program for the SilverEco & Ageing Well International Festival 2024 // Silver Citizens Summit
Language : Translation available

With the participation of :

  • Frédérique DECHERF – Director of Social Action at Agirc-Arrco
  • Marius DRIGNY – Founder of Ville à Joie
  • Marie TRELLU-KANE – Founder and President of Unis-cité


Marie LIBERT MAUROUARD – Social Impact Assessment Head at Malakoff Humanis

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