Study : Amplifon reveals hearing inequalities for women and men

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After a certain age, men and women would not get along. Amplifon drew on a recent French study of 140,000 patients that suggests that men and women are not equal in the face of hearing loss to provide a well-founded explanation. It emerges that the difficulties of communication between men and women from a certain age would be due to the fact that they simply hear the other’s voice less well. To understand each other, you have to get along !

Hearing : 60 years, age of hearing impairment

Hearing starts to drop naturally from the age of 30 and it can become annoying after 60 years. According to the French study Amplifon, men and women are affected by an average hearing loss, located around 50dB. Amplifon wanted to understand how they were reached by analyzing the detailed audiogram of the male/female panel concerned.

The results showed that :

  • women hear the low frequencies less well or these allow understanding in calm
  • Men hear the high frequencies less well, so they have difficulty understanding the noise

When couples don’t get along…

With this French study, it is now possible to scientifically show that women hear the treble better than men. This could explain why, at a certain age, couples do not understand each other (literally) anymore: it is just that they lose each other’s hearing on the frequencies of the other’s speech. Amplifon continues its research and analyses to better understand all the factors that could cause differences, and especially to be able to adapt the management to each hearing profile.

4 levels of hearing loss have been established :

  • Light : 20 to 39 decibels. The person repeats the speaker on the high tones
  • Average : 40 to 69 decibels. Person only understands if speaker raises voice
  • Deep : 70 to 89 decibels. Daily discomfort is major
  • Severe : more than 90 decibels. The person no longer hears the word at all

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