SPAIN : eHealth, or new medical opportunities

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On 12 November, at the Euskalduna Palace will be hosted eHealth Bilbao 2015, a one day event where healthcare professionals will present new business models regarding the latest eHealth technology.

eHealth-BilbaoeHealth Bilbao 2015

On the occasion of eHealth Bilbao 2015, healthcare professionals will explain how they managed to establish new and successful business models, by including Health technology.

This meeting is addressing to all healthcare professionals, willing to be up-to-date to the newest inventions in technology, but also to sanitary managers, who will have the occasion to expose their own experience dealing with eHealth.

All in all, the event is addressing to all healthcare shareholders (doctors, assistants, caregivers, pharmacist, etc) and all other persons involved. The main objective is to highlight the many opportunities this field represent and the accurate business models of healthcare sector through internet.

On the occasion, several workshops will allow the presentation of various trial projects or different eHealth solutions.

The main teams approached will be eHealth platforms, mobile applications, games and their impact on general health condition or e-diagnostics.

A response to the ageing society

The ICT use in healthcare sector is highly recommended and welcomed among professionals, as it is presented as one suitable solution for the ageing phenomenon that the Spanish society is actually facing.

Besides the successful business model, eHealth is a major key factor of success regarding medical care services, where patients are the core element.


This event is co-organised by Bilbao City Council, as healthcare has become one of the strategic sectors of the city.

Save the date:

When: 12 November 2015

Where: Bilbao, Spain


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