SilverFit Mile, or how can elderly can revisit their favourite places by bike, safely, from their care home?

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With the SilverFit Mile, the elderly can ride their bikes as if they were outdoors, while remaining comfortably inside their care home.

How? Thanks to virtual reality! A large screen connected to an adapted bike immerses residents in hundreds of landscapes filmed around the world. But that’s not all… Since the update of the SilverFit Mile, in addition to wandering in unknown lands, the elderly also have the possibility to revisit places they know and care about. These personalized routes are easily created thanks to the new Google Street view option of the SilverFit Mile.

Tailor-made bike tours for each resident

“There I’m passing by my old lover’s house by bike but shush don’t tell anyone …” says a resident to her therapist while laughing. Like her, many of the elderly appreciate being able to see places they hold dear to their hearts and evoke the good memories associated with them.

Thanks to the new Google Street view feature of the SilverFit Mile, each resident can now ask their care takers to create personalized itineraries for them, in just a few clicks. In this way, residents can not only bike in front of their former lover’s house but also revisit the places where they used to go out with their friends, go on holiday, or discover the city where their grandchildren live.

Thanks to this personalized bike ride, each resident has the opportunity to share memories with the other residents, their loved ones and the team of carers (physiotherapists, occupational therapists, etc.), thus creating a moment of conviviality and cohesion within the group.

Encouraging physical activity of elderly people in care homes

Cycling with the SilverFit Mile not only allows seniors to remember the good old time but also encourages them to exercise: captivated by the images of the landscapes scrolling across the big screen, residents don’t see time passing and can use bikes or active-passive trainers for up to twice as long.

In addition, the speed of the film adapts to the pedalling speed of the residents, thus reinforcing their experience of immersion in virtual reality and consequently their adherence to therapy.

Interested in the SilverFit Mile with Google Street View for your care home?

Do you want your residents to be able to cycle while revisiting their favourite places? SilverFit find the nearest location to see their concept in real life. They could also discuss a visit to your organisation and present their concept if desired.

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