The world elder abuse awareness day took place last 15th of June, 2017, on the theme : “Understand and end the financial abuse on elderly : a question coming under human rights”.
This day underlined the importance of preventing the elderly financial exploitation, because they must be able to completely enjoy human rights, without discimination.
Elderly abuse: a day to denounce this plague
The elderly have the right to dignity, safety and a life without any abuses (physical, psychological, sexual or financial violences).
The 2017 edition theme denounced all formes of financial and material exploitation that can jeopardize the elderly’s life and well-being, and then lead to poverty, hunger, roaming, even premature mortality.
The elderly abuse is a worldwide phenom that affects million people’s rights and health, and needs to be looked at by the international community.
Elderly abuse: the importance of prevention
By now, “141 million older persons are affected by these violences”, explains Alana Officer, the director of WHO program Ageing and life process. Those figures are destined to raise and reach 320 million by 2050 if the number of victimes remains steady.
The seniors abuse prevention is essential in order to raise awareness in our society about this real plague.
Indeed, this issue must go further than the institutionnal area and get intothe general public, where everybody could involve.
Many prevention strategies have been rolled out worldwide : awareness campaign, screening program, intergeneration programs in school, support to those who take care of older person, policies in order to define care and treatments in specializing structures, formations,…
Read more: Elder abuse: what are warning signs and how can we prevent it?
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