A recent Japanese study published in Preventive Medicine Reports suggests that owning a dog could significantly reduce the risk of developing disabling dementia in the elderly. This research, carried out on over 11,000 individuals, highlights the benefits of the human-pet bond.

Having a dog: a protective effect against dementia
The study, led by Yu Taniguchi and his team at the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology, followed a sample of 11,194 Japanese people aged 65 to 84 for four years. The researchers compared dementia rates between current dog owners and those who had never owned a dog or no longer did.
The results were striking: dog owners had a 40% lower risk of developing disabling dementia than non-dog owners. What’s more, among those who owned a dog and took part in regular physical activity, the risk fell by 63%.
Why does having a dog protect us against dementia?
Scientists put forward several hypotheses to explain this beneficial effect. Firstly, having a dog encourages physical activity, particularly through daily walks. It’s a well-established fact that regular exercise helps reduce the risk of dementia by stimulating brain function and improving blood circulation.

Secondly, owning a dog reduces social isolation, a major risk factor for dementia. Interaction with the animal, and with other dog owners when out and about, creates a more active and stimulating social environment.
Finally, the emotional attachment between owner and dog may play a key role. Previous studies have shown that the company of a pet reduces stress and anxiety, factors also linked to the development of cognitive disorders.
And what about cats?
Unlike dogs, owning a cat doesn’t seem to offer the same benefits against dementia. The study found no significant difference between cat owners and non-cat owners in terms of dementia risk. One possible explanation is that cats, while providing emotional comfort, do not encourage as much physical exercise and social interaction as dogs.
Towards a new approach to dementia prevention
These findings echo a British study published in JAMA Neurology, which suggests that pet ownership slows cognitive decline in elderly people living alone. Based on data from nearly 8,000 adults aged 50 and over, this research showed that pet owners living alone had a slower decline in verbal memory and verbal fluency than those who didn’t own one.
These findings suggest that pet ownership may offset the negative effects of social isolation on cognitive decline
Professor Yanzhi Li, lead author of the study

However, the researchers stress that further studies will be needed to confirm these results and further explore the mechanisms involved. They also stress the importance of a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, active social relationships and regular physical activity, as a complement to animal companionship.
A loyal friend for a healthy brain
Owning a dog is more than just a pleasure: it can be a real asset to the cognitive health of senior citizens. If these results are confirmed, animal-assisted therapy could become a key strategy in the fight against dementia, a major public health issue in our ageing societies.
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