This year in France, Mother’s Day will take place on Sunday, 31st of May. Father’s Day will take place immediately after, on June, 21st. It will be the perfect opportunity to pamper your loved ones and to offer them gifts. Why not get them a practical one? Doro has the answer for people seeking to offer their parents an innovating gift. Doro (Company’s description – in French) proposes a wide range of techy gifts: “you have no excuse not to help your mother or father being a part of our connected age!”
A « high-tech » collection, designed by Doro, to make your parents happy
Today we are surrounded by connected bracelets, watches and other connected objects as well as health smartphone applications. Doro proposes a wide range of smartphones which will surely please most parents.
Doro’s products may be a perfect gift with their simple and user-friendly design. For instance, Doro Liberto® 820 and Doro Liberto® 820 Mini could be the solution for parents wishing to be connected, to be accompanied or to share special moments with the loved ones.
Mother and Father’s Day seen by Doro : connectivity and exchange !
Doro Liberto® 820 is the star product of the group. It was designed for people who feel uneasy about the latest technologies. It is an actual “smart phone”, which easily adapts to every user’s needs. Its design and robustness make it easy to hold. Besides, it comes with a remote access to reassure all family members.

We should not leave aside the first smartphone of the brand: Doro Liberto® 820 Mini. It is a user-friendly, pratical phone that offers a true service of accompaniment. It carries the same advantages as Doro Liberto® 820 with a smaller format. It is equipped with a charger cradle that allows users to enjoy listening to their favourite music, watching photos, etc. for a longer time.

Both of these smartphones are equipped with the application My Doro Manager. This app was created to facilitate using the remote access. Once it is downloaded, it allows the user to enjoy all tutorials, pieces of advice and recommendations of their own friends or family.
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