Strong partnerships at ELDEX Asia
Strong partnerships at ELDEX Asia
From Tuesday 11th to Saturday 15th of June 2019 a unique tour to discover the Silver Economy “made in Japan” is organised on the occasion of the SilverEco and Ageing Well International Awards.
Register for the Ageing Well Japan Study Tour now! Read More »
The Tenth Working Session of the Working Group will be held from 15 to 18 April 2019, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and member states will discuss the rights to social security and social protection, and education and lifelong learning. This is how you can help:
As the autonomy of the elderly becomes an issue within French society, elderly people’s mobility is becoming a subject of discussion. In order to understand it better, AG2R LA MONDIALE, in partnership with the Wimoov association, has launched a survey whose results should be published in November 2018. If you are over 60 years old,
Take the “Wimoov-AG2R LA MONDIALE” survey on elderly mobility! Read More »
The launching event of the French-Japanese cooperation on Innovation and Digital Economy took place at Station F, Paris, on July 13th 2018. It was organised by the French and Japanese governments and JETRO, a government-related organization that works to promote mutual trade and investment between Japan and the rest of the world.
French-Japanese cooperation on Innovation and Digital Economy Read More »