
Almost half of grandparents would have a favourite grandchild

Gransnet recent survey, done in partnership with Mumsnet, reveals some shocking truths regarding an issue that many wouldn’t like to acknowledge: favouritism. In the survey of 2,000 parents and grandparents with more than one child, 23% of Mumsnet users admitted to having a favourite, while 42% of Gransnet users confessed to having a preferred grandchild.

Almost half of grandparents would have a favourite grandchild Read More »

tony luciani elia luciani

Tony Luciani and his mother, a serie of photographs rising up against the ageing stereotypes

Through his pictures, Tony Luciani questions the stereotypes about ageing. Thanks to these black and white photos crossing humour and deep sense, his model (his mother suffering from dementia) and him are giving a different point of view of ageing and life with illness.

Tony Luciani and his mother, a serie of photographs rising up against the ageing stereotypes Read More »

contact between generations

USA: What happens if you mix a retirement home with a preschool?

Traditionally, when extended families lived together, the elders  would look after their grandchildren, while parents went off to work. It seems that the best solutions often come from the past, at least, in the case of a retirement home, in Seattle. Indeed, at Providence Mount St. Vincent in Seattle put a preschool within a nursing

USA: What happens if you mix a retirement home with a preschool? Read More »

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