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DEMENTIA 21: The new installment of the disturbing and frightening adventures of Yukie Sakai, the home caregiver heroin created by mangaka Shintaro Kago

#DEMENTIA21: The new installment of the disturbing and frightening adventures of Yukie Sakai, the home #caregiver heroin created by #mangaka #ShintaroKago

DEMENTIA 21: The new installment of the disturbing and frightening adventures of Yukie Sakai, the home caregiver heroin created by mangaka Shintaro Kago Read More »

Homewatch CareGivers inaugurates the launch of the HomeSight™ home care suite by Vantiva, a solution dedicated to the home care market, initiated in the United States

@hwcaregivers inaugurates the launch of the HomeSight™ home care suite by @vantiva, a solution dedicated to the #homecare market, initiated in the United States

Homewatch CareGivers inaugurates the launch of the HomeSight™ home care suite by Vantiva, a solution dedicated to the home care market, initiated in the United States Read More »

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