VIP attendance to the SilverEco & Ageing Well International Festival, site visits to innovative France organizations in ageing, full translations and interpretations to your language, French Professional Continuing Education Certificate, cultural program and sightseeing at Cannes … the Study Tour is THE tour to participate in.

Unlike any other country, France is converting the challenges of population ageing into opportunities for renewed socioeconomic growth.
The SilverEco Ageing Well Study Tour is a unique 5-day tour to discover Ageing Well and Silver Economy “Made in France”. After the Tokyo Study Tour, this Study Tour, taking place from September 18th to 22nd of 2023, aims to give attendees an insight into the financial, technical and cultural aspects regarding demographic transition in France.
This Study Tour is organized with the partnership of DialogHealth since the very first edition.
The Study Tour objectives
This unique tour will examine pioneering sites and best practices of the burgeoning French silver economy, diving into innovations for ageing well. France is an aged society that is getting even grayer: in the next 30 years, the senior share of the population will go from 1/5 up to 1/3. It is also a territory crossed by numerous services and innovative projects addressing the needs of older adults, their families and related professionals.
But the biggest French innovation for longevity is the country’s unique national cooperation to turn population ageing from a peril into a great societal promise. In an unprecedented effort, in 2013, the Ministries of Economy and Health joined forces with top public and private providers under one vision: a concerted movement for the structuring of a new economy. Since then, multiple Silver regions were created across the country to foster the ecosystems of innovation for the silver economy and an industry roadmap is renovated every 3 years to keep up its development.

The delegates of this study tour will be CEOs, senior executives and facility managers from around the world looking to gain fresh insights into care delivery for their organizations. The delegation will engage at an executive level with French senior managers, local government representatives and top industry associations. Attendees will come away from the study tour with a strong understanding of the financial, technical and political aspects that place France ahead in the adaptation to the society to longevity.
What public is it for ?

This program will address the theme of innovations in the fields of healthcare, long-term care, rehabilitation services and assisted living. The program is primarily designed for:
- Directors, managers and executives of services to the older adult population on the public, private and non-governmental sectors.
- Physicians, Geriatricians, Gerontologists, Researchers and other professionals of health and aging
- Innovators, entrepreneurs and investors of the silver economy
- All silver economy actors
The Continuing Professional Education
Before the tour :
Webinars will be provided to prepare participants for the tour, in order to optimize the delegate experience.
- Module 1 : Participate in a study tour
- Module 2 : Introduction to the challenges and opportunities of the French silver economy.
During the tour :
- During each visit, theoretical inputs are proposed by local experts (directors, academics, politicians, etc.).
- Question and answer sessions allow participants to interact with experts to deepen their understanding of contents.
- Concrete case studies allow participants to study their practical implementation, in structures selected for their excellence.
After the tour :
Take the most from your investment on this educational experience.
- Education certificate by Dialog Health, Registered French Continuing Education Organization.
- Reports and analysis of the presentations, visits and meetings will be available to each delegate.

For more information on the 5-day Ageing Well Study Tour, taking place from September 18th to 22nd of 2023, don’t hesitate to contact us !
Published by the Editorial Staff on