Author name: Editorial staff

Silver Surfers : what EU countries account for the largest number of connected seniors?

On the 1st of October, 2015, Eurostat published the 2014 demographic indicators for the elderly who live in the European Union. The use of the Internet by elderly people was one of the criteria Eurostat was interested in. European seniors still do not use the Internet as much as the rest of the population; however, […]

Silver Surfers : what EU countries account for the largest number of connected seniors? Read More »

110-year-old Agnes Fenton has a special secret to explain her impressive lifespan

Agnes Fenton comes from New Jersey and recently celebrated her 110th birthday! The centenarian has surprised her relatives and doctor with her iron constitution. She justifies her lifespan and good shape with the special diet she has followed for 70 years. She drinks three beers and a glass of whisky every day.

110-year-old Agnes Fenton has a special secret to explain her impressive lifespan Read More »

η-amyloid: a recently identified peptide involved in the Alzheimer disease

A team of German and French researchers recently identified a new peptide that could be involved in the Alzheimer disease. The η-amyloid – or eta-amyloid – belongs to the same family as the beta-amyloid involved with the development of the disease. It has escaped notice from researchers for thirty years. According to research teams, its

η-amyloid: a recently identified peptide involved in the Alzheimer disease Read More »

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