Our baby-boomers are full of energy despite popular belief. Here are a few examples of super seniors who marked our news and who show that ageing does not mean the end of your life.
First, you should know that there are 3 categories of age:
- the age that your birthday day remember you every year at the same date,
- the age that people give us and it varies depending the person in front of you,
- then the age that we give to our self, it’s to say, the age that we feel to have physically and psychologically.
Since the age of our arteries is also important, it’s crucial to stay motivated and be like our super Silvers. Practise regularly and never forget that there is no age to make your dreams come true and to become a super hero, like Sacha Goldberger’s super grandma Mamika!

Without any further delay, here are our 8 worldwide champions of courage and optimism!
In the sports category, we have two cycling recordmen: 102-year-old Robert Marchand who broke the “one hour” world record of track cycling by traveling 26.9 kilometres in one hour; the second champion is the American Jim Turner who broke 3 world records at 75 years old.
Among sportswomen, we have two winners. The centenarian Japanese Mieko Nagaoka beat a world record during a 1.500 meters swimming course in small pool. Miss Harriette Thompson is a 92-year-old marathon runner who beat a world record by running a distance of 42,195 kilometres in 7 hours, 24 minutes and 36 seconds during the Suja Rock ‘n’ Roll San Diego Marathon.
Brigitte Sinka is a 87-year-old Hungarian chess champion who beat the world record of simultaneous chess.
Furthermore, we also have the high-level graduates and determined super seniors, like Miss Barbara Beskind who joined an innovating Sillicon Valley start-up at 90 years old as a designer. Meanwhile, Marcel Masegosa is a Frenchman who passed his literary baccalaureate in the city of Dijon at 93 years old. The 102-year-old Ingeborg Syllm-Rapoport is the oldest woman to ever receive a doctoral degree.
Which life lessons should we learn from super seniors?
Courage and determination are ageless. As Mister John F Kennedy said, “Let’s add some life into your years instead of adding years into your life”.
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